List of Published Thesis
Efficiency Enhancement of Cooling System for MRI
Development of Online Software for Computation of Malmquist Index
Measurement of Tact Necessary to Prevent Industrial Disputes Leading To Loss of Productivity-With Reference to Industries in South Bengal
Submitting Dissertations/Project and Thesis for Publication
Authors are invited to submit their original, dissertations and theses for consideration for publication in IJARCSSE proceedings. Dissertations and thesis in the field of computer Science,Information Technology,Electronics Engineering, Management and related disciplines at the following levels are welcome for submission:
- B.E./B.Tech/
- M.E./M.Tech/M.C.A/M.Sc/M.Phil
- PhD/DPhil or DSc(ScD)/DLitt
General Information
- Submitted dissertations or thesis to IJCARCSSE must already have been approved by a research committee or by the affiliated department.
- Authors must submit their final dissertations or thesis. All submission must be accompanied with the Thesis Submission Form.
- Submission is open throughout the year. Authors can submit their dissertations or theses at any time convenient to them for possible publication in IJARCSSE proceedings.
- Submission should be sent to [email protected].
- Acceptance notification period will vary based on complexity of area and level of study (normally 1-4 weeks).
- There will be a publication charge for an accepted dissertation or thesis..
- Authors have full right to decide either to publish Full-Text or Summaries/Abstracts only of their respective dissertation or thesis.
- All published dissertations and thesis will be indexed in IJARCSSE regular indexing sites and publication will be online only.
- Once published, a dissertation and thesis can be cited or referenced and will receive the same Journal's impact factor and prestige as all other publications of the journal.
- Authors will retain the complete copyright of their respective dissertations and theses.
For more information related to Thesis Publication